Example Gauges
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To help you get the ball rolling, here is a library of pre-configured gauges.  The object properties are listed with each shape so that if you see something you like, you can enter the same properties for the shape on your dashboard.  To view a gauge, click on its Properties link under its description below.

Remember, you can borrow a needle from this gauge, an ellipse from that gauge, tick marks from another, etc and throw different shapes from each of these gauges onto one of your own.  But when you do this, remember to set the center point for the objects accordingly so that the objects on the gauge line up the way you like.   The easiest way to keep the gauge together is to put all elements of the gauge in one container.  This way, you can move and scale the entire gauge as a whole instead of having to change each object individually.



The gauge fills as the PID value increases using clipping. Properties...

This bar gauges uses clipping with the linear needle to fill horizontally.  Properties...

This is an example of a typical ellipse gauge.  It includes a 3-dimensional frames using separate ellipses.  Properties...

This shows a path object being used as the basic shape of a gauge.  Also included is a needle "shadow" and triangular tick marks.  Properties...

This features a condition object on a gauge.  Once the value reaches a designated number, the background becomes hatched.  Properties...


This is an example of a bar gauge with the offset needle option.  The red ellipse is the needle object that marks the value horizontally along the gauge.  Properties...