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A condition is an object that changes depending on the OBD-II value.  The condition has two child objects:  a true container and a false container.  If the condition you set reads as true, the true container will be rendered.  If the condition is not true, the false container will be rendered.  One example is an RPM gauge with a background that turns red when the RPMs go over 6,000.  The condition could be set up so that if the RPMs read 5999 or below, the background will be gray.  If not (if the condition is false), the background will be red.  The true container then would hold a gray gauge background, and the false container would hold a red gauge.

A condition should be read so that "If (PID value) is (operator) to (condition value) then (show container for "true").  If not then (show container for "false")."  In the example above, you would set the operator to "Less than or equal to."  The condition value would be 5999. 

Since the containers are empty by default, you will need to add the objects you desire to each one.  To add an object to a container, right-click it in the Dashboard Object View window, go to Add Object, then select the object you wish to add.  For more information on containers, click here.

You can use two conditions and link them together as an "AND" statement or keep them separate as an "OR" statement.  Condition 1 and its corresponding OBD-II value is always active.  If you choose to enter only one condition, it must be entered under Condition 1.  To add a second condition using the same true and false containers, operator, and condition value, first use the Logic Operator on the Properties window just beneath Condition 2.  To activate the second condition, make one of these selections:

To test your condition, turn on the needle tester by checking its box on the left of its window.  As you scroll across from left to right, the left side will show what happens if the condition is true and the right side will switch the condition to false.

Like all other objects, the condition (and its containers) can be edited by selecting it in the Dashboard Object View window and modifying it in the Properties window.  Here are the condition's properties that can be edited:



Use this drop-down menu to select the condition's operator. The container for "true" will show if the relationship selected here is true between the current parameter ID (PID) and the condition value.

Condition Value

Set the comparison value of what you would like the PID compared to here.

Case Sensitive

If the associated OBD-II value for this condition is a string value (text) then this property determines whether the condition is evaluated in a case sensitive or insensitive manner.  If case sensitivity is enabled then the string "Closed Loop" is not equal to the string "closed loop".  If case sensitivity is disabled then the string "Closed Loop" is equal to the string "closed loop", as well as "CLOSED LOOP" and "CLosEd LoOp".



Type in the paramter you want to link to here (i.e. SAE.RPM, SAE.VSS)

Value Type

This is where you select what it is you want to display about the PID.

  • Name (String)- This will display the name of the PID (i.e. Engine RPM)
  • Unit (String)- This displays whatever unit the PID is in (i.e. MPH)
  • Value (String)- If you wish to show the value of the parameter, and the value to be displayed is text (i.e. on/off), select this option.
  • Value (Number)- If you wish to show the value of the parameter, and the value to be displayed is a number, select this option.
  • Value Min (Number)- Selecting this will display the lowest value the PID has been so far in the log.
  • Value Max (Number)- Selecting this will display the highest value the PID has been so far in the log.
  • Value Average (Number)- Selecting this will display the average of the PID's values so far in the log.

Unit System

You can switch the system to English or metric by using the drop-down menu here.